Learn How to Produce Electronic Music
Without Tearing Your Hair Out
It’s 2019 and it’s time for a new way to learn music production! In this interactive course you will learn all of the foundations of music in an entertaining and FUN way that has never been taught before!
Watch the above video to get a feel for my teaching methods and get started on your journey from total n00b to unrivaled professional!
A Classroom That Adapts to YOU.
Whether you are an absolute beginner who doesn’t even know what the word “pitch” means, to an advanced student who wants to learn the newest techniques of 2019, this classroom adapts to you!
Not sure where to begin? Take my placement exams to determine whether you have truly mastered the foundations, then move forward into my advanced classes!
Example Music
Parasite Eve
Jordan Winslow
Burning Bridges Beta Demo (Instrumental)
Jordan Winslow
Chrysalis (EDM Music Video - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Shattered Memory (Video Game Loop - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Disturbed (Television Show Soundtrack - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
From Within the Threshold (Short Horror Film - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Entrapment (Video Game Soundtrack - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Awaken (Ambient Video Game Soundtrack - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Invincible (Film Soundtrack - 2018)
Jordan Winslow
Disbelief (Film Soundtrack - 2017)
Jordan Winslow
Clouds Above the Sandstorm (Video Game Soundtrack - 2017)
Jordan Winslow
Luxury in Poverty (Hip Hop Music Video - 2017)
Jordan Winslow
Lost Colony (Film Soundtrack - 2016)
Jordan Winslow
The Wanderer (Horror Film Trailer - 2016)
Jordan Winslow
Civil Twilight - River (Drum & Bass Remix Competition - 2012)
Jordan Winslow
Like I'm in a Dream (Hip Hop Music Video - 2016)
Jordan Winslow
Love At First Sight Subliminal Remix (EDM Music Video - 2015)
Van Nordin & Jordan Winslow
Water With Fire (Electronic Rock Single - 2014)
Katy Rose
Beautiful Life (Pop Electronic Music Video - 2014)
Jordan Winslow
Stars Around Us (Pop Electronic Music Video - 2014)
Jordan Winslow
I Am Lightyear - Lose Myself (Dubstep Remix Competition - 2012)
Jordan Winslow
Kimbra - Warrior (EDM Remix Competition - 2012)
Jordan Winslow
Wanting - Drenched (Downtempo Trance Remix Competition - 2012)
Another Hero
Galactic - Ha Di Ka (Experimental Electronica Remix Competition - 2012)
Jordan Winslow
Ca$h Out - Cashin' Out (Hip Hop Remix Competition - 2012)
Jordan Winslow
- Parasite Eve Jordan Winslow 2:42
- Burning Bridges Beta Demo (Instrumental) Jordan Winslow 4:02
- Chrysalis (EDM Music Video - 2018) Jordan Winslow 3:27
- Shattered Memory (Video Game Loop - 2018) Jordan Winslow 2:55
- Disturbed (Television Show Soundtrack - 2018) Jordan Winslow 2:00
- From Within the Threshold (Short Horror Film - 2018) Jordan Winslow 3:41
- Entrapment (Video Game Soundtrack - 2018) Jordan Winslow 2:14
- Awaken (Ambient Video Game Soundtrack - 2018) Jordan Winslow 2:08
- Invincible (Film Soundtrack - 2018) Jordan Winslow 2:34
- Disbelief (Film Soundtrack - 2017) Jordan Winslow 1:04
- Clouds Above the Sandstorm (Video Game Soundtrack - 2017) Jordan Winslow 2:52
- Luxury in Poverty (Hip Hop Music Video - 2017) Jordan Winslow 4:14
- Lost Colony (Film Soundtrack - 2016) Jordan Winslow 1:47
- The Wanderer (Horror Film Trailer - 2016) Jordan Winslow 2:39
- Civil Twilight - River (Drum & Bass Remix Competition - 2012) Jordan Winslow 4:06
- Like I'm in a Dream (Hip Hop Music Video - 2016) Jordan Winslow 2:22
- Love At First Sight Subliminal Remix (EDM Music Video - 2015) Van Nordin & Jordan Winslow 5:00
- Water With Fire (Electronic Rock Single - 2014) Katy Rose 3:35
- Beautiful Life (Pop Electronic Music Video - 2014) Jordan Winslow 0:49
- Stars Around Us (Pop Electronic Music Video - 2014) Jordan Winslow 1:52
- I Am Lightyear - Lose Myself (Dubstep Remix Competition - 2012) Jordan Winslow 4:33
- Kimbra - Warrior (EDM Remix Competition - 2012) Jordan Winslow 4:52
- Wanting - Drenched (Downtempo Trance Remix Competition - 2012) Another Hero 4:24
- Galactic - Ha Di Ka (Experimental Electronica Remix Competition - 2012) Jordan Winslow 3:48
- Ca$h Out - Cashin' Out (Hip Hop Remix Competition - 2012) Jordan Winslow 4:05
Completing Lessons Earns You Points
Which you Use to Unlock New Mastery Levels

This is your first step on your journey to becoming a professional Music Producer!
As you complete lessons, exams and participate in classroom discussions you will earn points and achievements which will help you achieve a higher “Mastery Level” or rank!
Below you will see the next rank you can unlock with points you earn during your studies to show off how far you’ve come on your journey!


Initiates have proven their desire to learn by completing their first lessons or taking part in classroom discussions!
1 Requirement
- Reach Mastery Level Student

Knowledgable users have passed their first exams and demonstrated their foundational knowledge of melody, rhythm or mixing!
1 Requirement
- Reach Mastery Level Initiate

Studious users are ahead of the class and are able to help their fellow classmates with the basics! Feel free to reach out to these users with basic questions!
1 Requirement
- Reach Mastery Level Knowledgable

Dedicated users are exactly as it sounds; Dedicated! They are leaders in the classroom and are quickly working their way up toward becoming experts in the foundations of music production!

It’s a long road to becoming an experienced music producer, and these users have done just that! By completing multiple exams and demonstrating their knowledge they have proven they can remember every technique that is thrown at them!
If you have any questions on the foundations, these users are your best friend!

The final step before becoming a master music producer, expert users have pushed themselves beyond the average student and accomplished what few in the community manage to accomplish!
These users are ready to create their first major projects and may already be building a portfolio of music tracks!

These are the absolute masters. Only students who have aced every single exam, including the master exams, ever reach this status. Not only do these users have a complete mastery of the foundations but they have taken it to the next level to learn
If you can manage to get in touch with these users, they will be capable of helping you understand almost any topic in music production and may very well be teachers themselves!

Stay Relevant in an Evolving Industry
Each course on this website builds a powerful foundation which all music producers should have, then builds on that foundation with the most cutting-edge software & techniques available in 2019.

Learn by Doing
Download project files & stems to follow along with the videos. Take quizzes which provide feedback on every answer you give.
This course isn’t just about learning, it’s about DOING. I want you to have fun learning in your own unique way so that you never forget what you learned in this class!

Build Your Portfolio
Not only will you learn how to produce music in this course, but you will build your own musical portfolio similar to the one on my website and learn how to get your name out so you can get your first paid gig!
Most music courses stop when the music stops. But in this industry, you can’t just know how to produce music, you have to learn how to market yourself like a professional so your hard work is actually HEARD!
After you have aced every quiz on music production I will teach you how to become a brand and get recognized for the expert you have become!

One on One Tutoring
Having trouble with a particular topic? Or perhaps you want more personalized training. Become an exclusive student by joining my master class!
You must have wondered “how is this guy making a living off these classes if they are all for free?” Part of what allows me to provide so much free training for beginners are my master students!
By joining my master class I will tailor my knowledge and teaching methods to your unique learning style so you can master the topics of your choice far more quickly (and learn the secrets I do not teach in my free classes!)

Jordan is Absolutely Brilliant at Breaking it Down Concisely and Perfectly for the Absolute Beginner!
I have several years of production under my belt so I can say this definitively haha. What he has put together here is a fu**ing goldmine of insightfulness & if they’re listening, definitely a person’s first major breakthrough moment in regards to production, which might birth a new producer and might even become a whole career down the line.

Ulek, Music Producer & YouTuber

How much does it cost?
Nothing. That is unless you want to join my master class and receive one-on-one tutoring! I earn my living exclusively off student donations and master class students!
How do I join the master class?
Click Here to Take a Sneak Peek at the Master Class Section!
Is this a substitute for taking a college class?
Yes and No. While I cannot provide you with a college diploma, the knowledge you will learn in this course rivals (if not surpasses) what you would learn in a college course.
How long did it take you to start earning a living producing music?
This is one of the most common questions I hear. It took me over 5 years to get my foot in the door in the Los Angeles music industry and that is when I learned it was more about how you market yourself than anything else! This is why the final step in my class is to teach you how to market yourself so you are actually heard!
I already know how to produce music, is this course for me?
I would still suggest taking the interactive placement exams I have created (don’t worry, they are fun video exams!) and if you can ace them all then you are ready for my advanced courses!
How do you make money?
I am a freelancer, so when I am not working for a music client I rely exclusively on donations from my free music library and my free education courses! I have a lot of knowledge but that doesn’t mean I have a lot of $ haha.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch, or create an account