Melody: Part 2 – Arpeggios, Chords and How to Layer Melodies 53mins

In the last lesson, you learned what notes are, that as we play each note, A B C D E F G the sound that is played gradually rises in frequency or pitch and that choosing the “right” notes for a melody is done easily by using “scales” or “keys!”

You also learned that the keynote is the first musical note in any given scale and the patterns behind every major and minor scale in western music! You may have memorized K23 and K122 or KWWHWWWH and KWHWWHWW but one way or another you now have a great foundation for picking the right sounds to make inspiring melodies without choosing random keys on the piano and hoping it sounds right!

Today we are going to build off that knowledge by teaching you how to hopscotch or parkour your way through scales to create melodies known as arpeggios and chords and finish it all off with a Hands-On Demonstration!

Table of Contents

Intro & Recap: 0:14

Lesson Begins: 1:50

Why 1, 3 and 5 are so Important: 3:32

The World of the Arpeggio: 5:06

Hands-On Lesson Begins: 6:35

How to Create an Arpeggio: 8:12

Trick to Remember What Key You’re In: 11:21

How Easy it is to Create Melody With Arpeggios: 13:20

Let’s Talk About Chords: 16:34

Experimentation is Key to Melody: 19:03

Follow Along Assignment: 20:44

What is Accompaniment? 22:26

Creating a Melody Example: 23:05

Going From “Good” Melodies to “Great” Melodies: 25:54

Layering Melodies: 28:01

Trick to Speed up or Slow Down Melodies: 32:34

Creating a Bassline Out of an Existing Melody: 35:57

Creating a Lead Melody & General Mixing Advice: 40:29

What it all Sounds Like Put Together: 46:40

Lesson Recap and General Advice: 48:53

Using the Classroom Forum: 51:52

Bada** Outro Music: 52:55

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